About Us

Celebration of Our First Anniversary

On May 19th, the Chinese American Association of Braintree (CAAB) celebrated its first anniversary by hosting a special thank you dinner for our dedicated volunteers and esteemed guests. During the event, we also honored the achievements of the Braintree High School Asian Students Association (ASA) Class of 2024 seniors.

Historical Proclamation:

On May 23, 2023, former Mayor Charles Kokoros signed a proclamation declaring May as Asian Pacific Heritage Month in Braintree. This significant day also marked the formal establishment of the Chinese American Association of Braintree at the Town Hall of Braintree, Massachusetts.

What We Do

Mission Statements

  • Connect the community together
  • Advocate for the common good of our members.
  • Promote understanding of our culture and our people.
  • Promote community services and social involvement.

Interested in volunteering? Leave us a message.

Our Services

Promote cultural exchange within town of Braintree through special events:

  • Host Lunar New year celebration, and Mid Autumn Festival.
  • Promote community services and social involvement such as Braintree Day Parade.
  • Host social and fun activities to bring Chinese community members together.

Provide support in Chinese language for the following areas in town of Braintree: 

  • Assist in applying Residents/Citizen Benefit programs.
  • Voters’ education and registration. 
  • English Language education and translation assistance. 

Assist new Chinese residents to integrate into town of Braintree community, community education through information sessions:

  • Identity theft and scam, family support for special needs, and well-being – mental health challenges